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🌟 Daily Check-In & Reflections

  • Monday: drove my motorcycle up to Gardiner to meet up with H, see his new house, and chat about some potential work, received blue bottle shipment
  • Tuesday: worked in my new watercolor sketchbook, got a few things done for the AP
  • Wednesday: Made some more progress getting up to speed with the AP’s elections systems, had a meeting with S from val.town about potential collaboration, worked on some bugs with connectology
  • Thursday: Finished 2.5 PRs for the AP, worked on getting scrapbook-core running in the cloud, created script to update Cloudinary photos with computer vision descriptions
  • Friday: went to Warwick to work from Ben’s studio, did an AP election test call, recorded some VOs for potential videos
  • Saturday: worked on cutting together a youtube video on scrapworld, worked on rewriting a markdown parsing system for my blog

πŸ’» Code & Creations


Slowly and steadily pushing Connectology to a place where I can demo it and share with other people, and most importantly be proud of it.

Worked a bit on fixing the login flow, tweaking and simplifying styles across the board

DBPedia Integration

Cloudinary Annotation

Created a basic repo / script that requests the last week of Cloudinary photos and sends them to gpt-4o to generate descriptions. Went with this vision prompt:

Describe this image in detail, breaking it down into the following aspects: 1) Main subject matter, 2) Visual elements like composition and setting, 3) Any visible technical content (such as code or devices) with a focus on the general purpose or functionality rather than specifics, and 4) Inferred context, such as time of day, season, or mood. Finally, generate 5-20 relevant tags based on the description, aiming to include tags like 'code,' 'photography,' 'art,' 'nature,' '3d,' or other relevant terms from a wide range of topics. Try to keep your description under 400 words. Avoid lists. At the end, make some inferences/guesses as to what the user is doing, if applicable. Keep your answer as information-dense and succinct as possible. Try to capture the overall gist of the image as well as the specifics. Never respond in the negative.


Working on getting this deployed to fly.io on a cronjob so I don't have to run it by hand, which means my bookmarks are almost always out of sync lately.

Updated blog

I worked on creating a custom markdown->json parser I could use to power my blog, since the bug that's preventing me from running my blog with @nuxt/content hasn't been fixed yet and I am extremely impatient.

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