/week-notes/ 3 min read 638 words 19 images 22 links
Got back from Hanging with Ben & Kevin at Kevin's cabin. On Monday family helped me move out a lot of the big remaining stuff from my apartment in to storage: bookshelves, desk, bedframe. Everyone helped and left exhausted.
my-modern-scrapbook: wrote a blog post about the Scrapbook system I have been building, which is good, because I realized how much sprawling work I have put into it without a clear understanding of my motivations. Sitting down to write 2000+ words on it made me really think about that side of things, which is good.
I also figured out it's super easy to get little videos into my blog posts since I already have an Automator action to automatically via a shell script run through an Automator folder action that triggers anytime a new file is added to screenshots - it automatically uploads videos, too, like the ones recorded if I hit CMD+shift+5 and record a little segment of my screen. Once it's uploaded its URL is copied to my clipboard, and I just swap out mp4 for gif. It's also nice to set some extra Cloudinary processing params like /q_auto/w_768/e_loop/ to make the quality automatic, resize to a width of 768, and loop the gif
Here's the script that auto-uploads to Cloudinary and appends the screenshot to my weekly note with cld
Projects Worked On
Spliff & Espresso
Bought <spliffandespresso.com> and got @spliffandespresso on IG
Did some experimentation with colors and typefaces for the logo
Creative Endeavors
I've been playing a lot with Cardinal the free and open-source modular synth, and it's a great way to lose hours of your life to tweaking knobs and dragging cables. It absorbs time almost as well as Crusader Kings 3