2 min read 289 words 3 images 5 links

🌟 Overview of the Week

Trying to decide whether I want to move when my lease is up in August. I hate moving. I want to get closer to the city, but even going back to beacon looks like an extra $1000 a month.

I forgot that Coach Artie was in my friend's Discord server and he ended up

Projects Worked On

Room 302 Studio Mission Control

Creative Endeavors

Scheduling kiln rental to get ceramics bisque fired

My collection of greenware bowls, cups, and plates ready to be fired

Technical Accomplishments

Released v2.0.0 of gpt-browser package

npx @ejfox/gpt-browser --url https://example.com
Video of gpt-browser in action

Amigo Sampler

Played around a bit with the Amigo Sampler in Logic along with the Push 64 - definitely a lot of fun to play around with.

Transcribing Videos with FFMPEG and Whisper.cpp

This week, I discovered a quick and efficient way to transcribe video files using FFMPEG and Whisper.cpp.

  1. Convert the video files to 16-bit WAV audio format using FFMPEG:
for file in *.m4v; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le "${file%.m4v}.wav"; done
  1. Transcribe the resulting WAV files using Whisper.cpp:
cd /Users/ejfox/whisper.cpp
for file in /Users/ejfox/Downloads/FieldTalk/*.wav; do ./main -f "$file" -l en --output-vtt; done
  1. Convert .vtt to plaintext
awk '!/-->/' CodeAndNature.wav.vtt >> CodeAndNature.wav.txt

Books, Movies, TV

  • Been watching the new season of The Jinx
  • Also watching the new season of Hacks
  • Reading NOLS Wilderness First Aid

Personal Growth & Health

Been trying to put more conscious effort into eating more fruit, especially when I am craving sweet things, it’s going pretty good so far