
🌟 Daily Check-In & Reflections

  • Monday: Took a personal day for indigenous people's day, did some bug-squashing on Connectology, trying to wrap up the refactor of my personal site
  • Tuesday: Did kettlebell workout, wrote in journal, took a shower, made some PRs for work, made some plans of things to study / work on over the winter
  • Wednesday:
  • Thursday:
  • Friday:
  • Saturday:
  • Sunday:

πŸ’» Code & Creations


Personal Website (website2)


This script automates the creation of a daily timelapse video of your screen activity and generates an AI-powered summary of your day. It integrates screen captures with your online activities to provide comprehensive insights into your daily productivity and focus areas.

πŸ’‘ Ideas & Inspirations

πŸ‹οΈ Health & Wellness

Winter Workout Training Plans

πŸ“š Learning & Media

  • Watched the new HBO documentary on Bitcoin: β€œMoney Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery”

πŸ”— Connections & Insights

Interview with MW

  • What did you think about the Peter Todd bitcoin documentary?
  • gmaxwell is another core Bitcoin dev associated with PeterTodd, which also appears as one of the initial glitch tokens

  • Tell me about the multi-LLM discord
  • Can you tell me about some of the well-known personalities in the AI research community
  • How would you describe the stakes of the research that this alternative-AI-research community?
  • Can you tell me a bit about the Neuronpedia project?
  • How much kayfabe is going on? How do we separate speculative fiction from reality?
  • Is there any data from the glitch token explorations you'd be willing to share to let me explore/visualize? The more the better
  • Have you been following along with the growth of Truth Terminal?
  • Why do you think so many of these twitter personalities are anonymous or semi-anonymous?
  • Why do you think it has been so difficult to get in touch with Janus for an interview?
  • Tell me about your work on Terrence McKenna's theory
  • how to best go about visualizing/ animating the process of finding glitch tokens - applicable to other LLMs? Do all LLMs have glitch tokens?
  • Dr Watkins?

🎯 Next Week's Intentions